
Please be advised of the policies for Morning After Rain.


To avoid any fees, allow 48 hours prior to session to cancel. Cancellations less than 48 hours prior to session will result in 50% payment of the entire booking. Any cancellation less than 24 hours prior to session or no-show results in 100% payment of entire booking.


Appointment times are as scheduled and cannot extend beyond the stated time to accommodate late arrivals. Please be on time to your appointment.


Massage/bodywork is not appropriate care for infectious or contagious illness. Please cancel your appointment as soon as you are aware of an infectious or contagious condition.

Financial Responsibility

You are responsible for paying for your scheduled massage/bodywork session.


We are lovers of pets and for the safety of everyone please put them away for the duration of your session. We do not want to get harmed or harm them during the set up and take down of equipment.